Fund Management

CipherAI Fund Management Overview

At CipherAI, we strive to provide our investors not only with individual investment options but also with professional fund management services, ensuring the optimal evaluation of their portfolios. Here is an in-depth look at our fund management process:

  • Global Transactions through Fund Management: We engage in global transactions leveraging our robust fund management strategies.

  • Risk Assessment (2/10 to 4/10): Our risk rating typically ranges from 2/10 to 4/10, impacting current gains but emphasizing secure decision-making.

  • Selective Trading: We execute trades based on identified opportunities rather than high-frequency trading.

  • Real-Time Profit and Loss Updates: While your invested amount (current balance) may reflect decreases in the face of intensified unsuccessful trades, profits are instantly credited upon position closures.

  • Short to Medium-Term Trading: We strategically engage in short to medium-term trades in the financial markets, understanding that results may not be immediate, sometimes taking up to 60 days.

  • Exit Functionality: Exiting the fund is facilitated when an opportune position is identified, ensuring an effective and timely departure. Immediate exits from current positions are not executed.

  • Transparent Transaction History: Investors can review the detailed transaction history, providing insight into every trade executed by CipherAI.

  • Prompt Notifications: Receive email notifications for both successful and unsuccessful trades, ensuring constant awareness of your fund's performance.

  • Real-Time Dashboard Visualization: The visual representation on the fund management page is regularly updated to provide a dynamic snapshot of the fund's performance over time.

We prioritize transparency, risk mitigation, and strategic decision-making to optimize the returns for our investors. Your success is our success at CipherAI.

An important reminder! There is always risk in the markets, you may lose your balance. Therefore, do not invest all your capital or large amounts that you cannot afford. CipherAI will not be responsible for these transactions and our capital will also suffer a loss.

Last updated